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Ministry of Justice dismisses Gbarnga prison superintendent over bribery allegation

Gbarnga Central prison compound superintendent Saydu Bi Kuyateh has been dismissed and forwarded to the Liberia national police headquarters in Monrovia for thorough criminal investigation   In an telephone interview on a local radio station...

Orange Liberia CEO released to his lawyer after questioning by NSA, 6 protesters arrested

The Chief Executive Officer for Orange Liberia, Mr. Mamadou Coulibaly has been relased to his lawyer after was he was arrested  on Thursday June 25, 2020  for questioning in connection to early morning protest...

Rep. Kolubah Dedicates Footpath Bridge in Vahyuwein

By Calvin Quays|LPR News, Monrovia    Montserrado County electoral District # 10 Representative Yekeh Kolubah on Sunday June 21, 2020 dedicated a footpath bridge in Vahyuwein Community in the district. According to Representative Kolubah, the construction of...

Veteran Bureau boss Warns Ex-AFL Soldiers over plan protest

By Calvin Quays The Director General of the National Bureau of Veterans Affairs (NBVA) has warned ex-soldiers of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) against street protest to address issues concerning their welfare in the...

Margibi: Rep. Fofana refutes division among lawmakers

By Moses M. Tokpah|LPR News, Kakata The Chairman of the Margibi Legislative Caucus and District #4 Representative Ben A. Fofana says there is no ‘division’ among members of the current   legislative Caucus. He revealed that the...

Former Presidential Candidate Joseph Korto dies in the U.S.

Dr. Joseph D.Z Korto, a former  Presidential  candidate in 2005 elections and went on to become the first Minister of Education in former President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s government has died,  family sources have hinted Liberia...

Nimba: Duo Boe Residents calling for aid to complete clinic project

Sanniquillie, Nimba_Residents of Duo Boe Town in Yarpea Mah Administrative District in Nimba County are seeking for assistance to help complete the construction of their clinic project, which has come to a standstill due...

Assist Justice Minister Wesseh Sets Record Straight Senate Secretary, others indictment

By Garmah Lomoh|Judiciary Contributor The Assistant Minister for litigation at the Ministry of Justice Cllr. Wesseh A. Wesseh has set the record straight over the controversial indictment of Senate Secretary Nanborlor Singbe, former National Investment...

NPA finally Released 40ft container to owner after writ of arrest on management

By Garmah Lomoh|Judiciary contributor                   Following a writ of arrest issued by Criminal Court “C” National Port Authority boss Bill Twehway and his deputies on Monday on June 22,2020, along with the subsequent arrest of two...

Criminal Court “C” issues Writ of arrest on NPA boss and Others, Weah’s officials...

By Garmah Lomoh|Judiciary contributor Since the CDC government took power in 2018, many of his officials have been disobeying court whenever they are brought to court.  Some judges and citizens have been this disobedience spirit from...